Design Tool:

Source File:

Control File:

Control Script Example:

Scan insertion:
     input files:
                module_dfta.dof ( dftadvisor do file)
                module.v (pre scan netlist)
               run_dfta_module (run script for dfta)
     output files:
               module_scan.v (scan inserted input)
               module.subchain ( subchain defination)
               module_dfta.log  (dftadvisor log file)
		dftadvisor ./vortex_top_postdft.v \
              -verilog -lib ../../../lib/all.mlib \
              -nogui -top linkport \
              -log linkport_dfta.log \
              -sen \
              -rep \
              -dof linkport_dfta.dof 

			add sub chains  linkport  chain1  SI_1  SO_1  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain2  SI_2  SO_2  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock BIST_CLK_LV_1
			add sub chains  linkport  chain3  SI_3  SO_3  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock rbc_clk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain4  SI_4  SO_4  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain5  SI_5  SO_5  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain6  SI_6  SO_6  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain7  SI_7  SO_7  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain8  SI_8  SO_8  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk
			add sub chains  linkport  chain9  SI_9  SO_9  1134  mux_scan  SCAN_EN -subclock sclk

	Core level scan insertion
			 input files:
					 core.subchain (subchain definition) (scan order file and chain balancing)
			   output files:

MBIST Controller generation
    input files:
	        memory.lvlib (memory library model)
		       controller.membist (configration file)
           run_controller (run script for controller generation)
output files:
      MEMBIST Controller Insertion Cont'd
      controller.vb (RTL for controller)
      collar.vb (RTL for collar)
      controller.syn (synthesis script for controller)
      collar.syn (synthesis script for controller)
      tb_controller.v (stand alone testbench for the controller)
Controllers and collars assembly
 input files: core.v  all controller.v, collar.v, and files from the membistg directories core.designa ( config file for designAssemble)
 output files: core.v_designa ( core file with membist inserted), designa.log
membistg rxb_mbist.membist          \
   -clockPeriod 7.2                 \
   -library G13UP2304X34R332C.lvlib \
   -DaisyChain On                   \
   -failurelimit 10000                 \
   -parallelStaticRetention On      \
   -compStat on                     \
   -outDir rxb_cntrl
etv vortex_top \
   -configFile vortex_top.etvConfig \
   -outDir etv_out \
   -packageDir  ./bsdl_dir \
   -reportSimProgress On \
   -verilog On \
   -vif vif_dir \
   -wgl On